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door sciroccokartei
Hello friends of this Register and Scirocco/Corrado drivers,

The Register has changed. After 6 years of my own hard work entering and publishing each of the 1600 entries the work is complete. The Register has a database and every user is responsible for their own entry.

The new login for old entries works as follows:
Your email address used in your entry is of great importance. Click the button REGISTER NOW. Enter your data. Once the registration is complete you'll receive an email in which you will have to confirm your registration. Only then can you log in.

During registration (or the first login) all vehicles entered by a user will be assigned to that user. This works through the email identifier. For this purpose you must enter the same email address during login which you have originally provided to the Register. Because you have to confirm the registration by email, you have then also confirmed your email address. This ensures that only the right Sciroccos end up in a user's profile. At a later date you can using the management tool modify your data, club, HP, VIN, attach a picture of your Scirocco, Corrado etc.

There is folder for uploading your picture. The picture will automatically receive a red marker. The text is generated dynamically. "Sciroccokartei.de Kartei 2:513" This marker would, for example, mean Register #2 (because of the 53b), and number 513 denotes the entry number in Register #2. The numbers have changed slightly because some of the old numbers were used twice. All entries have now been correctly renumbered.

Another scenario: A Scirocco without an email address, or where the user has changed their email address. Such a user may use a new email address, and re-register their Scirocco using their new email address. Vehicles affected by this will unfortunately remain orphan entries.

Following the tests I hope that everything will work as intended, and I'm open to suggestions for improvement (info(a)sciroccokartei.de)! Orange entries are encouraged ...

Regards Webmaster Gregor


http://www.sciroccokartei.de/html/db/in ... gistrieren

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